My Yellow Blankey


Barney y sus Amigos, para niņos




I love my yellow blankey...

There's a song from Barney about Baby Bop's blanket.

"I love my yellow blankey, it's very very yellow
I like it even better than a bowl of jello.
When she holds it close, it feels just right.
She likes her yellow blankie in the day and night."

My friend's daughter, Sanju, is the only other one I've seen who was very close to her pink blanket. Her mom could never leave the house without it. Sanju needed it when she was sad, happy, sleepy, bored.... she needed it all the time.

I always wondered how someone can develop such attachment to things until I saw Advik do it recently! Since 2 days after thanksgiving, he's displaying this behavior on and off.

First was a new blue blanket. He loved it so much that he dragged it all around the house. When I tried to take it from him to put it away, he would just fall on the floor and cry so loudly until he got it back






canciones de Barney

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